from Students

Students are asked to fill out an evaluation after each session as well as a detailed, four-page evaluation with comments, after the completion of the course. A selection of their responses is printed below:

“I loved the wide range of topics and time periods covered in the course. It was really fascinating and enlightening to hear the dual perspectives from the medical and art sides in relation to each work. I particularly enjoyed the museum and library visits and RxArt presentation.”

“I think it has changed the way I observe things and that will improve my future practice. I also have greater appreciation for the history of medicine, which will help me as a doctor…I think everyone in clinical care would benefit from the course.”

“I truly enjoyed the perspective of an art historian and physician. Their dynamic was excellent and I appreciated the different points of view.”


“Every week we are exposed to something new and exciting!” 

“A unique, educational and exciting opportunity…”

“[I will be] more observant and more humane.”


“[The course should be offered to] all faculty, students, trainees and if possible nursing staff and anyone interested. It can enrich everyone’s experience and lives.”

“I liked the balance between art history and the history of medicine. Each class was also very unique and nothing was repetitive. I like how the classes divided up thematically. Also, getting to go to museums for private hours was a truly special experience.”

“Putting medicine in a larger socio-­historical perspective is very humbling.”