With the outbreak of COVID- 19, the Guggenheim Museum wanted to increase it’s online programming. The museum invited the Collers to create two timely presentations from their course, The Pulse of Art.
Picturing Pandemic Diseases
Guggenheim Museum June 18, 2020
In this engaging talk, Bobbi Coller, Ph.D. and Barry Coller, M.D. describe and discuss works of art related to the onslaught of three major pandemics, placing them in the context of the medical understanding of the disease at the time of the outbreaks.
Reading and Misreading Faces
Guggenheim Museum October 30, 2020
Humans express their emotions through facial expressions and read the emotions of others by recognizing and analyzing them. The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the importance of face recognition as we struggle to interpret the faces of others that are partially concealed by masks or other coverings.